normally shipped to and from the tropics and dry sailed ( which means when
the boat is not actually being raced, it is hauled out of the water and
stored in a cradle.
The crew was a lot of fun, they were novices for the most part, and the
common thread was that they were all supporters or coaches of a rugby team
back in merry old England.
Derek, the owner, has three or four big race boats, and seems to be
independently wealthy. Clive was a character that I initially thought looked
like Mr. Faulty from the BBC series "Faulty Towers", but I later realized
that he was the spitting image of Stephen, Penny's husband (I don't recall
the name right now) from the other BBC series "As time goes by".
Rob described the many virtues of Rugby, and related the story of going to
the cricket finals in Australia (Oz). He and a mate wandered into an area
known for its strong support of the Oz team, both wearing union jack shorts,
and England shirts. The crowd was less than cordial, leading his mate to say
to them "I have the greatest fighting style ever, so just bring it on". Rob
was just wondering whether his medical coverage would be extended to him in
Australia, when his mate went on to complete his thought. "I run very, very
fast". The crowd roared with approval and laughter, and invited the cheeky
English bastards to a drink.
I will be meeting my new mates for a social drink or two in a little while.
The night can only go so late, as they are leaving for Antigua in the wee