Thursday, October 2, 2008

Caribbean Madness Preparations continue

We continue to prepare for the upcoming trip to the Caribbean. I am going to start using this group and blog for more frequent updates so if they are not of interest to you, my apologies. You can unsubscribe following the instructions below.

Here is a picture that was taken the weekend before last when sailing back from Cuttyhunk. We were over there hosting a very informal get-together and bonfire. My friend Ted came up with the idea and Dana and I brought over the smoker and smoked two whole pork shoulders. I think a good time was had by all 20-30 people who showed up.

One of the highlights of the evening was sitting around the remains of the bonfire around midnight. We took hot stones (and boy, some of the were HOT) and when they cooled enough to touch, we picked them up quckly so we did not burn our hands, and rested them on our stomachs. The layer of clothing was enough to protect us from the heat, but let a very pleasant warmth through. I thought Greg was going to offer a proposal of marriage to his rock. Mine felt like having a puppy sleeping on your belly. Dana got a little burned picking hers up but says it was worth it. It was a good evening.

There has been a lot of phosphorescence in the water. The last few moonless nights have been positively magical. If you put your hand in the water, it looks like your skin is glowing a light green color. The wake of the dinghy looks unreal; it is so bright it affects your night vision.

I appreciate the leaves turning here in New England even more knowing that I will be leaving for a season. I will miss the crisp cold mornings, and knowing that, it helps me appreciate those few I will have this year even more. It is like seeing things with fresh eyes even before taking a break from them.

Dana did the first cut at the provisioning list and bought a lot of non-perishables. I have nearly inventoried the spares and stuff that was on the boat, and added the new provisions.

23 days and counting down.

Walter and Dana