It went well. Honors for most stalwart crew go to Bruce, who took long stints at the helm and performed admirably. Martin and Bob did very well too, despite some problems with Mal de Mer. The good news was that Martin rebounded well after having chummed.
I think it was a very successful mission, and made the trip much more real for the crew that could come. Martin and Bob came away with a renewed appreciation for all the work and learning that remains to be done with regards to weather and comms, and the challenges and potential for boredom that comes with a long ocean passage. If I had advanced the idea of a poker/dominoes/backgammon tournament before this trip, it may have been greeted with skepticism, but now I think the crew would agree with the need for some entertainment.
After the cruise, Martin Bob and I went on to Cuttyhunk for a couple of days and had a nice time with the Bob and Sherry of Angel Rose and Greg of Delia. We also did some man overboard exercises and refined our procedures.
Check out these photos of Bob jumbing ship to cool off on the sail back home.